Time to do stats.

IRB & Data Analysis


Preparing for Data Analysis Videos 

Before we meet to talk about data analysis, you will need to ensure you have the minimum number of participants that was decided by your committee.  If you haven’t met that yet, try doing different data collection techniques such as snowballing, as long as they fall within the parameters of your IRB approval.  If they do not, you will need to apply for an IRB addendum.  


In order for us to meet, you will need to clean your data first.  Save your original data file and send to me, marking it as original, and then save it again as another name.  Label your data set appropriately – set up all the values.  You will want to compute means for your variables and check the reliabilities.  See these videos for reference and send me the data file when you are done.  


Here are links to the videos! 


Recoding Survey Data Words to Numbers 



Compute Variables and Reliabilities, Skew, Kurtosis 



Recoding demographics, Running correlations, and testing for group differences 
