Take your business and leadership skills to the next level.
Our services
Positive Goal Setting, Purpose and Confidence Training
We teach employees to understand common pitfalls of goal setting and create multiple, creative paths to performance goals. This increases their ability to plan for obstacles and manage workflow interruptions. Employees learn to increase likelihood of achieving goals and increase confidence in goal setting..
Resilience, Positive Thinking & Habits Training
We teach employees to increase resilient, flexible and accurate thinking, while decreasing the potency of negative emotions. Employees are better able to bounce back from adversity and learn to create optimistic beliefs. Employees learn to increase psychological well-being and optimism in order to increase productivity.
Increasing Intrinsic Motivation & Flexible Work Arrangements Training
We teach leaders to increase autonomy, meaning and purpose at work. This increases a focus on a "results only" work environment and decreases engagement roadblocks. Leaders learn to let go of micro-managing and begin to encourage competence.
Strength-Based Leadership Training
We teach leaders to understand their own strengths, support strengths of their direct report and give compelling feedback. This results in more powerful leaders, more efficient work and better performance. Leaders learn to engage their direct reports, maximize effectiveness and support their team.
Positive Culture Training
We equip leaders to understand the influence of emotions on performance and generate a positive culture. This increases creativity and agility in employees, while creating a psychologically safe culture. Leaders learn to create a vision and magnetizing environment that builds commitment.
Upskilling Leaders, Employees & Online Classes
Growth Mindset
We teach leaders to increase autonomy, meaning and purpose at work. This increases a focus on a "results only" work environment and decreases engagement roadblocks. Leaders learn to let go of micro-managing and begin to encourage competence.
Creating a Learning Organization Training
We teach leaders to be able to truly assess whether learning is occurring and how to identify roadblocks to organizational learning. This increases knowledge sharing and more efficient work flow processes. Leaders learn to lead problem solving initiatives, increase new ideas and increase quality improvement skills.
Increasing Gratitude & Happiness
We equip leaders to understand the influence of emotions on performance and generate a positive culture. This increases creativity and agility in employees, while creating a psychologically safe culture. Leaders learn to create a vision and magnetizing environment that builds commitment.
Coaching - Consulting -
Coaching - Consulting -
Get one on one specialized coaching. Learn how to apply key principles in creating a positive culture and driving excellence. Executive assessment tools and full reports available.
Engagement Surveys & Data Analytics
It's difficult to change something if you aren't measuring it. Learn where you organization stands and whether you are ready for organizational change efforts. Our survey is psychometrically reliable and valid, meaning our items predict important outcomes for your business. Our survey is comprised of three main sections: Outcomes, Energizers & Roadblocks.
-Positive Culture
-Intrinsic Motivation
-Growth Mindset
-Meaning & Purpose
-Fairness & Equity
-Senior Leadership
-Direct Leadership
-Psychological Safety